Unconditional Teaching start

Tag: Teacher-student communication

Keep contact to your students in this time of crisis

This is a call to teachers and supervisors to take proactive steps to keep in (virtual) touch with your students in a time of crisis.

19. März 2020 | Tags: Essays, Corona crisis, Teacher-student communication, Doing empathy

Magic questions to ask students about their writing

In my writing supervision I focus on process instead of results and on reflection instead of adherence to rules to help students experience more agency over their writing when they become aware of their own writing strategies.

27. November 2019 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing, Teacher-student communication

Congruent self- and supervisor assessment

Students often express that my responses to their writing are in consonance with their own self-assessment, which motivates them to revise their papers. The specific form of my responses facilitates this congruity, and here’s why.

7. August 2019 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing, Teacher-student communication

For strategies-based teaching

Against the rhetoric of competency-based teaching, I set a rhetoric of teaching strategies which focuses on the resources that students already have rather than on their presumed deficiencies.

7. Mai 2017 | Tags: Essays, Teaching writing, Teacher-student communication